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Parents are the only humans on this earth who will talk good about you behind your back, but talk shit to your face.
Pets are basically just hostages with Stockholm Syndrome.
There are currently millions of formally dressed skeletons living under Earth’s surface.
“Don’t kid yourself” should be a slogan for birth control pills
prove to me that you’re worth the attention that you want
i don`t really think people understand how stressful it is to explain what`s going on in your head when you don`t even understand yourself.
you think you’re doing okay and then suddenly it’s a nighttime and you’re alone and you’re not really sure how to distract yourself anymore.
i have so many ups and downs and after an up i`m always so scared for the next down cause i know how i am and what i do when i`m feeling low
being sad for no reason is worse than being sad for a reason because there`s absolutely nothing you can do to make yourself feel any better.
if I say "okay *your name*" then just know that I officially have an attitude. or you`ve just said something that pissed me off

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