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If time travel was ever a possibility, wouldn’t someone from the future have come back to tell us we could time travel?
When you`re about to say something but then you decide it`s not worth the effort
i wish i had that friend that lived next door and they`d come over just to kick it and watch movies or something
do you ever get in those really weird moods that you can`t even explain what you`re feeling it`s like everything is mixed together all at once?
Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth
On any given day, someone is probably having the best day of their life.
Do you think service dogs judge my dog for being unemployed?
Does anybody actually remember the last few seconds before you go to sleep?
If we were eyeless we’d be unaware of color. What if we’re missing some part of reality because we don’t have the organ to detect it?
We are afraid of seeing something behind us in the mirror because it’s the only time we can see behind us..

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