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We evolved from monkeys. So all the apes that are still around are the dumbasses that ALMOST made it??
the word `liberal` comes from the word `liberate` bizarre name for more regulation, eh?
someone: are you ok?
me: [pouring gasoline on myself] yeah why do you ask?
when u go to the store with your mom and she sees someone she knows and starts talking to them
When reading reviews online always look for the 3/5 reviews. These are usually the most truthful and unbiased.
It irritates me ending on bad terms or not having proper closure with someone especially knowing there were so many things left unsaid.
Don`t need permission, make my own decisions
If your boyfriend or girlfriend wrongs you--don`t tell your parents about it. You might forgive them, but your parents won`t.
When you’re criticised for being short, they’re really just saying the worst thing about you is that there isn’t more of you
When your mom tells you to clean up before she comes home & you haven`t done anything yet & you see her pull up

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