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"They judge me before they even know me. That`s why I`m better off alone." - Shrek
It`s ok to fall apart sometimes, just remember to get back up again.
Always remember that no matter how useless you think you are, you`re still someone`s reason to smile.
Life doesn`t have a remote, get up and change it yourself.
Ready for:
S un-kissed skin.
U nforgetable days.
M emories waiting to happen.
M eeting new people.
E ndless nights.
R eal fun.
The less people you chill with, the less problems you deal with.
Everyone wears their own masks. It`s up to ourselves to decide whether it`s the mask or the face behind the mask that matters.
Live your life to express, not to impress.
Oh Mickey, you`re so fine, you`re so fine you blow my mind. Hey Mickey. Hey Hey Mickey!.. face it you didn`t read that, you sang it.
Sometimes you have to be your own hero, because sometimes the people you can`t live without, can live without you.

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