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World is waiting for u, walk with your aims, run with confidence, fly with your achievements, and reach the peak of success...Have a wonderful day !
Psychology says, making others happy can actually feel good, even when you aren`t so happy yourself.
The word `dude` was coined by Oscar Wilde and his friends. It is a combination of the words `duds` and `attitude`.
If time does not wait for you, don’t worry. Just remove the battery from the clock and enjoy life.
Determination and confidence today, lead to success and happiness tomorrow!!! Have a great day everyone.....
People change like the seasons.
Worry less. Smile more. Listen carefully. Take responsibility. Accept what you can`t change. Embrace the lessons. Love your life.
The letters SOS were adopted as an international distress signal because the Morse code for them was easy to remember.
It`s your track and yours alone, others may walk with you but no one walks for you.
Dolphins can swim and sleep at the same time, as they sleep with one eye open.

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