Facebook Nice facebook statuses

Don`t live to impress other people, just be yourself.
If you are successful, you`ll win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies.
Dear God, I`ve tried my best today, but if today I lose my hope... Please tell me that your plans are better than my dreams.
One-sided feelings: the person that loves the most is the person that gets hurt the most.
✖ Homework
✖ Fake friends
✖ School
✖ Being ignored
✖ Empty fridge
✖ Being replaced
✖ Slow Internet
✖ Broken Heart
When life gives you rain, go mud bogging!
Meaning of LOL: Before: Laughing Out Loud.
Now: Lack Of Laughter.
Having positive thoughts increases your brains ability to make better decisions
We`re not as close as we used to be, but I`m here for you if you need me.
Before the 1940s, Pink was a masculine color and was preferred by boys, while blue was more of a feminine color.

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