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running toward my dreams, tripped over reality and hit my head on the truth.
Shout out to all the 90`s baby`s, with no babies!
Imagine an entire room
and it’s all bed no floor,
just bed,
you roll too far to one side?
don’t worry,bed’s still there
all is bed.
If you don`t fight for what you want, don`t cry for what you lost.
True friends cry when you leave. Fake friends leave when you cry.
Stop. Think. Feel. #AntiBullying
Every crisis is an opportunity to shrink of expand #lifequotes
Everything will be okay in the end.
If it`s not okay, it`s not the end. (:
Don`t waste your time on someone who isn`t willing to waste their time on you.
We shouldn`t focus on the doors that God closes. Change doesn`t have to be a bad thing. Change means growth!

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