Facebook Nice facebook statuses

my past is my past, I`ve made mistakes but I have learned from them too.
Kill The Tension Before Tension Kills You...
Live Your Life Before Life Leaves You...
Most Important Turn To God Before You Return To God...
A true friend
- cares like a mom
A good friend listens to your adventures.
A best friend makes them with you.
A successful relationship is one in which one person shuts up when the other is right.
When you bring peace to the past, you can move forward to the future.
Keep Calm and smile like a weirdo.
-Jose Juan
2011: wow I was so stupid last year
2012: wow I was so stupid last year
2013: wow I was so stupid last year
to be continued..
Don`t feel sad over someone who gave up on you, feel sorry for them because they gave up on someone who would have never given up on them.
Texts that piss me off:
1. Yeah 2. Oh
3. Yup 4. Lol
5. Haha 6. K
7. Nope 8. Chillin
9. Naw 10. Send me a pic.

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