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Don`t wait for people to be friendly, show them how.
Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you - not because they are nice, but because you are.
We all lose our way at least once. Life is testing to see who can find their way back.
Feelings change - memories don`t.
Once in a while you have to close your eyes to see better...
Shit happens when you trust the wrong people.
Million dollar idea: A snooze button that lets you sleep longer the harder you hit it.
Suppressing and ignore your emotions only makes things worse. It`s healthier to be more open and honest with what you`re feeling.
The most dangerous feeling is jealousy. It creates insecurity. Insecurity creates hatred, and hatred kills you softly.
You are part of a puzzle in someones life. You may never know where you fit. But, someones life may never be complete without you in it

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