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Some people don`t like telling the truth, others don`t like hearing it.
You can`t start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one.
Most people are surprised to discover that the winds of change often bring with them a breath of fresh air.
Never allow yourself to be so desperate, that you end up settling for far less then what you deserve.
I`d rather lose an argument than lose you to an argument.
You set the standard for how people will treat and regard you, by how you treat and regard yourself.
money can`t buy happiness but it can buy puppies and that`s very close to happiness.
When God wants to make a mushroom, he does it overnight, but when he wants to make a great oak, he takes a hundred years.
"Sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we cannot see." - The Polar Express
"Your story may not have such a happy ending, but that doesn`t make you who you are." -Kung Fu Panda 2