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Good judgement comes from bad experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgement.
Don`t lie to people, unless you are absolutely sure that they`ll never find out the truth.
Life is like a roller coaster, too many unexpected turns. but at the end, you just want to ride it again.
Yes, I`ve made mistakes... life didn`t come with instructions
Patient Texter: The texter that doesn`t care what the message really says. They just wanna listen to the ringtone.LIKE if that you :)
dont worry , be happy ♥
Like if u think I have issues!! :)
happiness consists of a solid faith,good health,and a bad memory.
Don`t always say that there`s still time. Because there`s also a concept of "it`s too late."
The only place you find success before work is in the dictionary.