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"Dammit I`m mad" backwards is still "dammit I`m mad"
That one friend that can make anything funny just by the way they talk.
If someone doesn`t appreciate your presence, make them appreciate your absence.
Life is unfair. That`s why we have dreams.
"iloveu" is better than "I love you" because it`s easier to write it.
Don`t lie, don`t cheat, and don`t make promises you can`t keep.
So if we lie to the government it’s a felony. But if they lie to us its politics.
I`m about to rewrite history. History.
If you don`t fight for what you want, don`t cry for what you lost.
Your skin is not paper, don`t cut it. ❤
Your face isn`t a mask, don`t cover it. ❤
Your size isn`t a book, don`t judge it. ❤
Your life isn`t a film, don`t end it. ❤