Facebook Music statuses

Do you ever play a song and then realize you were too distracted to appreciate the beauty of the song so you replay it.
Concerts are the best, nothing better than hearing amazing live music
Do you ever wonder if anyone else in the world is listening to the exact same song as you and on the exact same lyric as you??
congratulations on knowing the band before they came popular you win: nothing
Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.
I hate songs that are like 75% bad but the chorus is so good that you suffer through the whole song just to hear one part like three times.
Realizing that drake said ate instead of 8 in “the square root of 69 is ATE something”
do you ever wanna listen to music but every song is just not the right song
realizing theres a tangle in your headphones but leaving it because you`d have to take your headphones off.
I always unfriend people that post song lyrics, because they remind me of somebody that I used to know.

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