Facebook Music statuses

I hate when music videos have nothing to do with the song.
A Day Without Music Is Like A Year Without Rain. ♫ ♥
Music is comforting. When everything has changed, it`s the lyrics that stay the same.
Sometimes I wish that you would pay more attention to my favorite songs, because those song lyrics are the words I`m too afraid to say.
When I ask you to listen to a song, it`s because the lyrics mean everything I`m trying to say to you.
Singing with your headphones on and not realizing how loud you are.
Dear iTunes, Please stop asking if I would like to download version 10.05.923468.32341.93250. Sincerely, I just want to listen to music..!!
Wouldn`t it be nice if your ipod could detect your mood and make a playlist for it? ;)
That awkward moment when your in the car driving, singing loud and your phone decides to call someone and they just listen.
Dear MTV, I was wondering if I could get my "M" back..... you know, since you`re not using it. Sincerely, _usic

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