Facebook Music statuses

My voice sounds great when I`m singing with my earphones in. Then I take them out and realize I sound like a dying walrus... -_-
That awkward moment when your eating lunch, and a bunch of kids break out in song...
That awkward moment where all your friends know a song and their singing it and you don`t know it.
That awkward moment when you are singing a song and you break your voice during the high notes.
Earphones in... volume up - world out.
MY BRAIN: 5% names, 3% phone numbers, 2% stuff I should know for school, 90% song lyrics.
that awkward moment when your trying to tell someone how a song goes but you really don`t want to sing it.
Sitting on the computer for hours, then suddenly thinking, "Why is there no music playing?!"
"That song is old." Sorry, I didn`t know there was an expiration date on music.
When my headphones go in, my life is automatically a music video.

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