Facebook Music statuses

MY BRAIN: 5% names, 3% phone numbers, 2% other stuff I should know, 90% song lyrics.
That awkward moment when you realize you’ve been singing the lyrics to a song wrong since the day it came out.
Genres? Who cares. If it sounds good, and you like it, blow dem` speakers upppp.
"I wasnt that drunk.." "dude, you asked my pitbull to give you everything!"
Dad: "LIKE A CHEESE STICK" Me: "Dad, its G6..."
Music not only changes our mood, but it also changes the way we think and our perception of the world...
I could win American Idol if they just let me bring my shower on stage.
Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.
We all have that song that tears us to pieces but we all listen to it anyways.
Guys, don`t ever make fun of the music a girl listens to; it`s her life.

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