Facebook Music statuses
That awkward moment when you catch yourself singing a song that you hate.
LIKE IF you turn up the volume when One Direction`s song is playing xD
I love it when a song understands me perfectly.
I hate when I`m singing a song and someone joins in... And I`m like "B!tch, this isn`t high school musical"
"Dude she just called you Taylor Swift." "Oh hell Noo hold my guitar.. Wait, actually let me write a song about it first."
LIKE IF you also Torturing yourself with depressing music when you`re already sad. 3
That moment when you see your favorite band is on tour and then you realize the nearest show is like on the moon.
What I feel for you is the kind of feeling people write love songs about ♥
If someday we all go to prison for downloading music, I just hope they split us by the music genre!
One song can bring back so many memories. <3