Facebook Music statuses

How to find the name of a song: Type all the words you know in Google and hope for the best.
I`m so talented. I can listen to music and ignore you at the same time.
Singing to a song you don`t really know... but that 15 second part you do know is coming, and you`re gonna own that it!
The jukebox got its name from `jook`, the African-American slang for `dance`
Katy Perry sings what girls wanna do. Taylor Swift sings what a girl wants to say. One Direction sings what a girl wants to hear.
I used to like dubstep but then it became - it became - it became - WUHB WUHB WUHBBY WHUBBWUHB WHUBY
Dubstep = A rap battle between the autobots and decepticons.
There are songs that make you sad when you hear them. But it aren`t the songs that make you sad, it`s the people behind the memories.
Never play scrabble with Lil Wayne. He makes up too many words.
When I find a song that relates to my current situation I listen to it over and over.

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