Facebook School statuses

Dear LETTERS: Please stay in the ALPHABET. Sincerely, an ALGEBRA student
Teacher: Molly, how can you prove the world is round? Molly: I never said it was.
Teacher: I told you to stand at the end of the line? Little Kid: I tried, but somebody was already there.
Difference between love and exams. Love: lots of thoughts in mind, but no guts to express. Exams: lots of guts but no thoughts in mind
Dear teacher, I talk no matter where I am. Moving my seat will not help, in fact it will only make me talk more.
that feeling you get when you understand something in math
Start of the school year: brand new awesome folders, pencils and pens. End of the school year: one pen.
So what`s the point of being on holiday when I have tons of homework?
The awkward moment in class when someone stares at you for no reason.
Like if your teacher changes the slides too damn fast!

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