Facebook School statuses

I wish studying for an exam was as easy as remembering lyrics. I`d pass every exam.
Height of Geniousity....
When i was at school,
someone stole my rough notes....
now they call it as...


``Oxford Dictionary``
My teacher always is talking to her imaginary friend named "Class".
start of school, amazing pens, pencils etc. end of school, i`m left with one pen.
You know you`re not paying attention in class when you start to doodle on the paper.
3 Ways to write in EXAM: Look up for INSPIRATION, Look down for CONCENTRATION and Look around for INFORMATION!
The best 2 days of school are always the first and the last
There will be always that one teacher asking you a question and your friend next to you whispering the answer.
That proud moment when: You say something funny in class, and everyone laughs at it.
I was good at math until the Alphabet came in.

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