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Study tip: stand up. Stretch. Take a walk. Go to the airport. Get on a plane. Never return.
I need summer to be longer so I have more time to do nothing.
my mom always asks why i`m always smiling at my phone and am i dating someone like no mom i`m laughing at my own texts
can I just skip this whole college thing and go on to marrying a rich hot person
my mom`s like why are you awake at 3am and i`m like why are you so obsessed with me.
do you ever just realise you’re almost an adult and you have no money
There is a free website called "essaytyper" that lets you type a topic and it will write the paper for you in minutes
If you have a long research paper to write, find one solid source and use that sources bibliography to locate new sources.
That awkward moment when the only thing you know on a test is your name.
Me at school : " I`ll work on this at home.. "
Me at home : " I`ll work on this at school.."

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