Facebook School statuses

Dear Teachers, please stop giving us homework to do on the weekends. Sincerely, I have a life like you too.
Dear Homework, You are not attractive. Therefore, I cannot do you.
Things I learned in school: 1. How to whisper 2. How to text without looking 3. How to look like I`m thinking.
Dear Homework ,I hate you. Sincerly, everyone in school.
That awesome moment when you pass and exam you didn`t even study for and you were positive you were going to fail.
Dear Teacher, I talk to everyone. So moving my seat won`t help. Sincerely, awesome student.
I always pretend to care about teachers personal life, to waste time in their class.
"You ready for the test?" Wait, WHAT test?
The awkward moment when you’re late for class, and when you walk in, everyone stares at you like you`ve just killed someone.
Ok, I`m gonna study NOW... *3 hours LATER* ... Okay, I`m gonna study now. SERIOUSLY.

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