Facebook School statuses

My brain is 5% names, 2% phone numbers, 3% stuff I should know for school, and 90% song lyrics.
In class = sleep mode on | After class = hyperactive.......STARTS!!!
Seriously, teachers, weekends are for refreshing. Not for doing homework.
After the Exam.. To Friend: "Oh dude, I`m Gonna Fail!" To Mom: "It was SUPERB good :) :D
That awkward moment when you`re stretching in class and accidentally touch someone else`s face.
School shopping is fun until you realize what you`re shopping for.
When your teacher gives a 30 minute speech about not wasting time.
Going back to school, feeling all serious about it, but then after like a week you can't hold it in and you muck around again;)
Group projects: You do all the work. Everyone takes credit.
The 3 most common lies you will hear: 1. I love you. 2. We will be together forever. 3. You will use algebra in real life.

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