Facebook School statuses

I leave homework till the last minute, because I`ll be older and therefore wiser.
Parents call it "bad grades", we call it "still passing."
What if Hogwarts actually sent us all letters, but our parents hid them??
I swear, school wouldn`t be half as bad if we didn`t have to wake up so damn early.
How to get your homework done on time? DON`T go to the library with your friends. You won`t get ANYTHING done.
If I was a teacher I would create a multiple choice test where all 30 answers are D... Just to mess with the students heads.
School is pointless. English: We speak it. History: They`re dead. Math: We have calculators. Spanish: We have Dora.
No teacher, I don`t know the answer, that`s why my hand wasn`t raised.
"Hey, what did you get on your test?" "98. You?" "Oh... it`s not important"
When I was little, I had a huge imagination. Now, I can`t even make up a story for English class!

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