Facebook School statuses

why pay $30 to get scared at a haunted house when you can just close your eyes & think about your student debt for free
High school made me realize that you only need one best friend and like three close friends, because you realize how fake everyone is.
Things I hate:

1. waking up early

2. 1
*Brain during the exam*
"Wait i know this... oh what show is playing today ?
Wait focus
What are we doing here ?"
college is basically just one big "when do I have time to take a nap today?"
Sometimes I wish I was 25 with my life figured out & sometimes I wish I was 5 with my whole life ahead of me and not a care in the world
Have you ever bullshitted an assignment so hard you basically laugh after every sentence you write
College is a cycle of accomplishing something, feeling relieved for a second, then realizing you have 7 more things to do for tomorrow
To all 8th graders: if you think you`re group will stay together through high school you are wrong
a short poem:
do teachers
understand that
you take
other classes

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