Facebook School statuses
School doesn`t even test your intelligence, it tests your memory.
I hate when teachers complain about having so much work to grade... We had to do it. You`re just checking it. Suck it up.
I get nervous when I see others studying so much before the test.
To be honest, this school year kinda flew by fast.
If only homework was as exciting as Temple Run and Fruit Ninja :`(
I wish my school taught horizontal running
Me: I want to look good at school today.
Hair: no.
Clothes: no.
Face: no.
Life: no.
Me: okay.
In Class: `I`ll just do this at home.`
At Home: `I`ll just do this in class.`
Even staring at a wall becomes interesting while studying
How does school expect me to choose a career path at 15? I can’t even choose what I want for dinner