Facebook School statuses
College: where you have absolutely nothing to do for a month and then all of the sudden you have 4 exams and 2 papers due in one week
That scary moment when your teacher says that they`re gonna start calling on random people.
During an exam, I add up all the possible marks I might get, to feel better
Taking a well deserved break after writing the title of your assignment.
the dumbest thing is when parents say “this isnt how i raised you” like ?????? yes it really is you literally raised me and here i am
That boss feeling when you taught somebody something new.
Do you ever use one pencil in school and you get emotionally attached to it and then you lose it and its just another reason to be sad.
Fact: High school isn`t as fun as it appears to be on TV.
*goes back to school after a long break* how do i hold a pen
me: wow i finally understand math
*moves on to next question*
me: what the hell is this