Facebook School statuses

You`re telling me I need to study? No thanks I`ll pass.
my favorite thing about school was sitting with ur friend & flipping through a random textbook pointing at ugly pictures & saying “that’s u”
School doesn`t test your intelligence, it tests your memory.
School doesn`t test your intelligence, it tests your memory.
Parents call it "bad grades", students call it "still passing."
I wish my grandma would just tell me I`m the princess of Genovia so I can drop out of school
sending prayers to my future husband... really hoping you`re doing good in school bc your girl is struggling
high school makes you realize that you only need one best friend and like three close friends, because you realize how fake everyone is
can i skip this whole school thing and go to the part where I`m a billionaire
all I do at school is watch all the girls pretend to be friends with each other

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