funny facebook status

Crush: "Hey :)" Me: *Retard mode, activated*
Smart phones, smart cars, smart televisions... when are they going to start making smart people?
Definition of "I`ll think about it." = I`ll forget about it completely until you bring it up again.
Some girl just texted me and said, "your stupid." I don`t get it, my stupid what?
Sometimes I wish I was an octopus, so I could slap 8 people at once :)
Bitch, please. You`re as useless as the `G` in `Lasagna.`
Admit it you listen to other strangers conversations and mentally give your opinion .
Me: *Breathes* Mom: "I am sick and tired of your attitude!"
That moment, when you realize you`ve had your earphone on for an our, but didn`t play anything
If Monday were shoes, they`d be Crocs.

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