funny facebook status

My girlfriend just called me old fashioned. I almost dropped my Walkman.
*Washing Car* Friend: Sup dude, you washing your car? Me: No... I`m watering it to see if it grows into a bus!
Me: "I`m over my crush" Crush: "hey" Me: "Nevermind"..
Babies need an "Airplane Mode".
I hate people who say `age is just a number`... Age is clearly a word...
That annoying moment when you`re walking around the house with socks on and step on a random wet spot.
Move a desk into an elevator. When people get on, ask if they have an appointment.
Bad guys in movies: "But before I kill you, I want to tell you this really long story so you can be saved."
"Hi" "Hey" "Who was that?" "I have no idea..."
Ghetto language. Bathroom = Baafrumm. Refrigerator = Fridgerataa. Remote control = Moken troll.

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