funny facebook status
I got 99 chores and I ain`t did one - Lay Z
I am NEVER playing scrabble with Lil Wayne again! He makes up too many words.
Do you have a pencil "Nope" *Looks down at bag of pencils* *Evil laugh*
I make weird faces in photos because it’s better to look ugly on purpose.
Dear parents, I am fully aware that money doesn`t grow on trees. That`s why I`m asking you for it.
Vodka is just awesome water.
I am so broke I am being sponsored by a kid in Africa..
My homework brings all the Asians to the yard, And they`re like, "It wasn`t that hard."
"I`ll catch a Grenade for you". i dont think Bruno Mars has ever seen Jersey Shore.
My favorite text message: "i`ll be there in 5 minutes. if not, read this again."