funny facebook status

Whenever you`re sad just remember that you don’t look like you did in 6th grade
When I say "wow that`s cray" it means 99% of the time I wasn`t listening.
Someone once said that I should always treat other people how I would like to be treated. Now I`m facing sexual harassment charges.
Friend: "Awe, your parents are soooooo nice!" Me: "Yeah, only because you are here."
The first 5 days after the weekend are always the hardest.
humanity is losing its
Aristotle died
Newton passed away
Einstein died
And i`m not feeling well today
True friends don`t judge each other, they judge other people...... together.
"Dude she just called you Taylor Swift."
"Oh hell Noo hold my guitar.. Wait, actually let me write a song about it first."
What`s that thing called when your crush likes you back? oh yeah imagination
Attractive person: Hey whats up?
Me: Who paid you

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