funny facebook status

If you drink enough, your brain starts photoshopping people
Can`t dance?
Spell your name,
in the air,
with your butt.

Boom! Next problem.
I`m not an alcoholic. Alcoholics need a drink... I already have one.
How to get your friend to do something stupid -
"Don`t be a bitch dude."
Hockey is more enjoyable if you pretend they`re fighting over the world`s last Oreo.
Is it just me or does sneezing while driving seem like a near death experience every time?
How does Dora even get that t-shirt to fit over her head? That looks physically impossible.
Dad: "Those people on Twitter are going to come to your house and rape you." Me: "Dad, they barley ever leave their room."
Not sure if my parents wanted kids... or slaves.
Person: "Your phone`s ringing..."
Me: "Yeah, phones do that..."

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