funny facebook status

That awkward moment when you say goodbye to someone and you end up walking in the same direction.
In every shop, there`s always that one employee who stares at you like you`re about to steal something.
You can`t face the problem if the problem is your face.
The awkward moment when you`re at your friends house and your friend is getting yelled at so you just stand their and pet the dog.
Two blondes were driving to Disneyland and the exit sign reads: DISNEYLAND LEFT. They started crying and headed home. :)
Don`t you know it`s rude to talk while I`m interrupting?
"Hi, may I help you?" "No I just waited 15 mins in the line to say hi."
EMPLOYEE: If you don`t increase my salary...I will tell the whole office that you have increased my salary...
My friends don`t care if my room is messy. They only care if I have food.
Etc.: A sign to make others believe that you know more than you actually do.