funny facebook status

"Dude, she just called you deaf..." "...........WHAT?"
Our phones fall, we panic, but when our friends fall, we laugh! :D
At what age is it appropriate to tell my dogs they are adopted?
I hate when people see me at the store & are like "hey what are you doing here?" Im like "Oh you know, hunting elephants."
Reading texts half asleep is like looking into the sun
On the phone with mom: Yeah. Okay. Yes. Okay. Alright. Yes. I will. Alright. Okay. Yeah. Yes. Alright. Yes I did. I love you too Bye
Hi, I`m a bra. And I touch your girlfriends boobs everyday. Jealous yet?
When someone says the words "I love you" and you dont feel the same way, just say "I love YOUTUBE" Real fast.
That awkward moment when your dentist keeps asking you questions while their hands are in your mouth...
Hugs can be really awkward when you aren`t really sure where to put your arms.