funny facebook status

Drake is the type of guy that cries when he reads "drake the type of guy" tweets.
Having a 20 items or less express lane at WalMart is pointless when your customers dont know how to count.
Officer: How high are you? Drunk: No officer its Hi, how are you?
I bet if Aquaman and Jesus had a fight, Jesus would walk all over him.
Yesterday I set my wifis name to Hack this if you can. When I checked it today, it was called Challenge accepted.
Say no to drugs. Although, if youre talking to drugs, it may be too late.
They say one in every four men is gay, so there must be one in my group of friends. I hope it`s Michael - he`s super cute.
IRS: We`ve got what it takes to take what you`ve got.
"Age is just a number..." "Yeah, and weed is just a plant"
CLEANING MY ROOM: 1% Cleaning. 30% Complaining. 69% Playing with stuffs I just found.

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