funny facebook status
Two words guys hates: Don`t & Stop; unless you put them together.
A police man came up to me with a sniffer dog & said, "This dog tells me you`re on drugs." "I`m on drugs?! You`re the one talking to dogs!"
"Mom, I swear my room was clean this morning." "So what happened?" "I got dressed."
That awkward moment when your parents tell you to stand in line and you`re near the cashier and they haven`t come back yet.
That awkward moment when you are making a stupid face and your crush looks right at you.
that awkward moment when the dictionary definition is more confusing than the word
The awkward moment when a little kids stares at you like you have done something wrong.
friend: someone told me that u like him..
me: ewww... and who is that someone?
friend: that i can`t tell u...
me: then why the hell did you say that?
The awkward moment when someone is crying and you`re trying your hardest not to laugh.
"I wasnt that Drunk".
Dude, you stared at a box of juice because it said: Concentrated.