funny facebook status

The walk of shame at the store when you have to put something back because your mom says "no."
What does a ghost get when he falls and scrapes his knee?
A boo boo..
That Awkward Moment when a GPS tells a gay person to go straight.
That Awkward Moment when santa has the same wrapping paper as your mom.
Mom: "YOU`RE GROUNDED." Me: "Psh. Fine I don`t care." Mom: "Give me your phone then." Me: "OMG IM SO SORRY MOM I LOVE YOU."
That Awkward Moment when you say "Goodbye!" to someone but you both walk off in the same direction.
That Awkward Moment when you still don`t understand someone after saying "what?" multiple times...
That Awkward Moment when you change your Facebook status to “single” and your ex `Likes` it.
That Awkward Moment When you KNOW you look better than EVERYONE in your family. ( ¬ .¬ )┌∩┐
Steps To Survive A Horror Movie: Never say ” I`ll be back,” because odds are, you ass aint coming back...