funny facebook status

Officer to drunk boy : "How high are you?" Drunk Boy: No officer, its "Hi! How are you?"
on Facebook seaching up people with the last name hontas.I think it would be cool to poke a hontas :)
"My memory is so bad." "How bad is it?" "How bad is what?"
That awkward moment when you`re talking to someone with an accent & you accidentally reply with their accent.
Dear iPhone, Please stop changing my rude words into nice ones. You piece of shut.
Childhood is like being drunk. Everyone remembers what you did, except you.
*Ignores phone call* -After texts person- "You called?"
That annoying moment when you`re talking, then interrupted & can`t remember what you were talking about.
Sleep is my drug, my bed is my dealer, & my alarm clock is the police.
That Awkward Moment when you drop your iPod and your headphones save its life.