funny facebook status

Being trapped in the corner of your shower because the cold water is running.
There Are Three Kinds of People - Those Who Can Count and Those Who Can`t
Dear Squirrel in my yard, Just because you froze in place, doesn`t mean you`re invisible. Sincerely, I`m looking right at you.
That mini heart attack when the shampoo falls & makes a loud noise when your taking a shower.
THE AWKWARD MOMENT: When you look up from your phone & the person you have been following around the supermarket, isn`t your Mom.
When i have kids i`m going to make them watch the 2012 movie & tell them, "Yup, i survived that!" ...
I just dropped my laptop off the boat....It`s a Dell, rolling in the deep.
Screw the alarm system. I’ve seen “Home Alone” I know what to do.
There are 7 continents, 196 countries, 50 states, 5 oceans, 8 planets, and I had the unfortunate luck to meet you.
That awkward moment when you`re alone in the car with your friend`s parents.