funny facebook status

GIRL: "What are you looking at?!" ME: "Not even Google knows…"
That awkward moment when you realize every house has a particular smell, but you can`t even smell the one at your house.
Having only one facial expression and pose for every single picture so you don`t look like a deformed potato.
"Dude, she just called u lazy" ... "Oh hell no! Go tell her i`m not"
"Your phone`s ringing..." "Yeah, phones do that..."
OK, I`m getting out of bed in 10 seconds. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,9,9,9,9,9, ....
"You`re fat." "It runs in my family!" "Dude, no one runs in your family."
"OMG did you get BRACES?!?!?" "nah, I just decided to bedazzle my teeth."
"How did you get that scar?" "Voldemort tried to kill me when I was a little baby, no biggie"
That moment when you wake up at 4am and wonder....What the fu*k happened to my pillow?