funny facebook status

Imagine having a teacher named Alejandro & whenever he calls on you, Just be like: "Don`t call my name, Don`t call my name, Alejandro."
My laziness is exactly as the number 8. If it lays down it becomes infinite.....
Do you ever sit in class, look at people, and think about how disappointed their parents must be?
Answering Machine: Hi! My phone is probably near me. I`m just avoiding someone I don`t like. Leave a message. If I don`t call back, it`s you
I`ve always wanted to walk up to a stranger and hand him a briefcase and whisper "you know what to do" and walk away.
Dear committed ones, Being single is my attitude. Never think that I`m not perfect for anyone. Sincerely, I`m too sexy for everyone!!
Leaning to the sides when playing car race games, thinking it will make a difference.
"How old is your baby?" "36 months." WHY CAN`T YOU JUST SAY 3 YEARS OLD?!
*washing hands* *sleeve starts falling down* NOOOO!
That annoying voice your mom uses when she`s talking to babies.