funny facebook status

*Crush steals food* heyy! *flirty push* *Regular person steals food* GIVE ME MY SHIT BACK B*TCH! *Drop kick*
Dude she just called you a THIEF! OOOH hell NO..hold her earings!
"Sending message failed, would you like to retry?" Well obviously...
Mom, I`m going out.. "With friends?" "No mom, with PIKACHU." "Whose Pikachu"?
To all the students who drop out and fail high school: Remember two things, 1. You tried your best. 2. I don`t like pickles on my BigMac.
If you are excited about the new season of 16 & Pregnant, you need to re-evaluate your life.
I`m sorry I hurt your feelings. When I called you stupid, I really thought you already knew.
Some people are like medicine. You can only take them in small doses.
Mark Zuckerberg introduces himself to China in this way: "Hi, am the founder of the website `Page Not Found`."
Nerds rap: Math city bitch, math math city bitch, math city bitch, math math city bitch, 10, 10, 10 and 20 equals 50 bitch.