funny facebook status

We all have a family member who think they`re a professional photographer :P
Getting caught in those, "it`s not what it looks like" moments. -_-
what do i do when i see someone extremely sexy: i stare, i smile, and when i get tired i put the mirror down ;)
Mom, I`m going out" "With friends?" "No, with people I hate."
I wonder if the clothes in China say "made around the corner "
Make the little things count. Teach midgets math.
WHERE YOUR PHONE DISAPPEARS WHEN YOU DROP IT: 2% where you dropped it,4% 5 feet away from you, 94% Into another dimension never to be seen again!!
Things I do when I have to study: 1% = study. 99% = tell people I have to study.
"Dude, she just called you lazy" ... "Oh hell no! Go tell her i`m not" :P
I hate it when I put my earphones in my pocket ...10 minutes later I take them out & its like a damn Rubix cube