funny facebook status

"I need to study!" *Opens book* "I don`t feel like studying." *Closes book*
*Police officer walks up to me* POLICE: "Where were you between 4 and 6?" ME: "Kindergarten."
That guys breath is so bad, when he walks past a clock it says... TIC- TAC ..
BAD GUYS IN MOVIES: "But before I kill you, I want to tell you this really long story so you can be saved." (-_-)
"I wasnt that Drunk". Dude, you told me to give you a ride home... the party was at your house.
That "oh f*ck!" moment when you lean back a little to far in your chair and then gravity takes over.
If you forget to say "Pika" before you sneeze, you can always just say "bacca"afterwords..
Dear everyone, always remember that when you fall, I`ll pick you up. But just AFTER I finish laughing.
I`ve decided that I`m not going to focus on my past if I owe you money, I`m sorry.
I hate when people see me at the store & are like "hey what are you doing here?" Im like "Oh you know, hunting elephants."