funny facebook status
"H3y wUt r yhu dOing?" ... about to throw a dictionary in your face.
It is difficult to be stupid... competition is huge.
*ABRACADABRA*............... Nope, you`re still a bitch.
"You look happy. Let me see what I can do about that." - Life
Do not keep all your work for tomorrow,always remember you can also do it the day after tomorrow..Be lazy,Think crazy...
Dear Google: Please stop being like my wife. Kindly let me complete my sentence before you start to give me suggestions.
Empty pen: 5% Calmly gets a new one. 95% Scribble, scribble, scribble!
admit it, when you were little you jumped from couch to couch pretending the floor was lava.<3
A guy took a picture holding a dog, someone commented underneath saying " which one is you ? " :D guy replied back and said " THE ONE HOLDING YOU" :D
-Memz Alemdar
That moment when you trip going up the stairs so you run up the stairs to make it seem like you didn`t trip.
-Dominican C-note