funny facebook status
Here`s a bit of advice: advi
I feel like grabbing a random kid by the shoulders and screaming, "I`m you from the future!" :D
My homework brings all the Asians to the yard, and they`re like "It wasn`t that hard.". . .
People make too many Harry Potter jokes. Like Siriusly.
Thank goodness pets can’t talk, they all know too much.
"But they dared me to” is always a valid excuse.
"I don`t need to write that down, I`ll remember it." = My biggest lie.
"What comes after the letter P?" Normal People: "Q" Me: "Wait, A, B, C, D, E, F, G...
Can`t spell STUPID without U right in the middle.
"I wasn`t that drunk!" "Dude, you congratulated a potato for getting a part in Toy Story..."