funny facebook status

My cousin left his Chuck Norris action figure in his sisters room. Now all her Barbies are pregnant.
Damn, I forgot to go to the gym yesterday! That`s 10 years in a row now...
If you forget to say "Pika" before you sneeze, you can always just say "bacca"afterwords..
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may lead to the belief that you can sing.
Kid: "I got 87% on the test and you?" Me: "125%." Kid: "How!? There was no extra credit!" Me: "I just put Chuck Norris for every answer."
On Christmas Eve, I asked for the most awesomest person on earth. The next day I woke up in a box.
Chuck Norris fact
When Chuck Norris does push ups. He doesn`t push him self up. He push the earth down.
Girl- can I have a dog?
Vet- `would you like a female dog, or a male dog?`
Girl- Bitch please..
Maybe Karma wouldn`t be so nasty if we stopped calling her a bitch.
Rule 1 during arguments. If you`re losing, start correcting their grammar.

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