Facebook status

Like if without school, it is hard to remember what day it is.
I’m really good at stuff until people watch me do that stuff.
Relationships are harder now because conversations becomes texting, argument becomes phone calls, & feelings become statuses and tweets.
Admit it, at one point in time you were attracted to a cartoon character.
If robbers ever broke into my house and searched for money I`d just laugh and search with them.
is Talking on the phone and make a tour of the house.
You are what you eat. So don`t be fast, fake, easy or cheap.
If you`re attractive and you talk to me first, chances are I`m very confused.
Dear weather man....Don`t try and educate me on mother nature... Bro, just tell me pants or shorts tomorrow...
That awkward moment when you`re walking out of a room like a model and your bag hooks on the door handle.