Facebook status

Learn from your mistakes, But never regret.
Thanks to the people that walked in to my life and made it better and thanks to the ones who walked out and made it amazing.
Boyfriends that rub your back and play with your hair until you fall asleep are a gift.
it’s not just about sex… don`t get me wrong sex is great, but when you have a mental connection with someone; you just can`t beat that
my camera roll is like 90% screenshots because i just make fun of people
Who else has taken 2+ years of a foreign language and still has no clue how to speak it..?
Raise your hand if you`ve ever felt personally victimized by the approach of bikini season ✋
my mom blames EVERYTHING on my phone.
you failing? cuz that phone.
you tired? always on that phone.
oh you hungry? cuz that damn phone!!
do you ever see an opinion that’s so terrible that you actually feel bad for that person’s brain
me: wow that exam was easy

*gets a 53*